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Collaborator: Mike Nichols

Mike Nichols and the Reeve Foundation

During a high school varsity hockey game in January 2014, Michael (Mike) Nichols, a Monroe (NJ) Township Senior, sustained a severe injury to his C5 vertebra. Nichols became an overnight advocate to inspire people to join the Reeve Foundation mission.

Mike Nichols and the Reeve Foundation collaborate to bring together the community and supporters from across the country to fund the most promising spinal cord injury research and move us closer to cures for paralysis.


What I now know is life may have changed after a spinal cord injury, but you can still set high goals and achieve your dreams. You just need to keep pushing and never settle.

Mike Nichols

Learn More About Mike Nichols

What I Know Now

Dear Mike, You were a teenager without a care in the world. Your greatest concern was when your next game was but now your life just changed an instant.

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